Monday, January 30, 2017

Weekly Updates January 30, 2017

Critical Thinking Winter Carnival - Please consider volunteering to help with the Winter Carnival (February 11th from 11-3).  We need EVERYONE to help make this day a success.  

Foundation Spring Gala Save the Date for March 24th at CAM. We are very excited about this event with the proceeds going back to the school to recruit and retain quality teachers, enable and bolster rich instructional programming, and sustain the educational environment. -

Barrington Irving (Speaker on January 31st at 2:40pm for Grades 3-5) - Feature in National Geographic April 2013 -- 

Parking -  Be sure to be cautious about parking on the street. From our neighbor - "I live on the corner of Harvey and Scales on the same side of the street as Underwood.  Your teachers and parents park by our house daily.  This is fine except for when they block our driveway".

Drop-off and Pick up - For our students safety be sure to follow carpool procedures in the carpool lane. We have seen an increase in the number of students being dropped off on Scales street as well as the left side of the parking lot. Thank you for your support in keeping our students safe. 
Elective Updates:

CAM Residency Showcase- Join us February 3rd from 5-6pm at CAM to celebrate the collaborative efforts of our 5th grade students and Visual Artist Shannon Newby!

PTA and Specialists - Thank to the PTA for purchasing 20 mini iPads for our arts department to be used with all students -- Mrs. Frasier, Mrs. Mann , Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Raley


Students created researchCreativity 

Paperless problem solving

Student work...